Project Info
Civil Infrastructure Works | Location
Memorial Parl Oval, Euroa |
Strathbogie Shire Council |
$400,000 |
September 2020 |
Project url
Project overview
There was a pressing demand in the Strathbogie Shire Council to make an easy access for residents from the Memorial Park Oval to the Friendlies Oval across the Seven Creeks. The available access to cross the creek was too long, so most residents used to walk over a fallen tree. However, this was too dangerous during the winter. The proposed pedestrian bridge would be 17m long, 3m wide and weighed approximately 10 tonnes.
The work commenced in July 2020, which was the peak flooding season in Euroa. The water was over the bridge abutment levels during construction, causing numerous challenges for excavations and concreting of the foundations.
The Friendlies Pedestrian bridge, which has been designed to be below the flood level and withstand the floating debris load was installed in August 2020 and has truly exceeded expectations. The bridge erection was witnessed by numerous residents and the installation crew was cheered by the onlookers. It was a proud moment for Gradian Projects to have delivered such an important piece of infrastructure and leave a lasting legacy to the residents of Euroa for many years to come.
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